Volunteer thank you from Frostschutzengel

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    Volunteer thank you from Frostschutzengel

    What a great Xmas present! These nice words came from the team at the homeless organisation Frostschutzengel who thanked all you GSBTBerliner volunteers for your commitment in 2015:

    “Liebe Ehrenamtliche, dear volunteers, It has been a great year with all of you and – as the end of it is coming – we would like to say thank you! We are amazed how you stayed with us and supported us, even though we never knew if the project will continue and had little to almost no time for you and your questions.

    You helped us with your many translations, from house rules of night shelters, direct translation on the phone to information on our website, one of you even translated the whole “Kältehilfewegweiser” into Romanian!

    We are especially happy that you came and supported us during our consultation hours! Whether it was at seven in the morning or at ten in the evening or spending whole afternoons sending out job applications with our clients. We really appreciate your commitment, your language skills and being so open minded to one of the most vulnerable groups in our society.

    We are simply glad you found us! Either by yourself or by the help “Give something back to Berlin” – special thanks also to the team of GSBTB – without you it wouldn’t have been possible to find so many enthusiastic volunteers to support our work.We wish you happy holidays and are looking forward to working with you also in 2016.

    Best,Tanja, Basia and Petra”